
Media Partners

Global information

Global information offers comprehensive information services, from providing market research reports, individual surveys and customized research which meet your research needs accurately


Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals, empowering them to make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries that advance the boundaries of knowledge and human progress.


The is a new and global knowledge-based web portal for solar thermal professionals. Hosted by the Global Solar Thermal Energy Council, it offers the latest news and background information on the development of the international solar thermal sector. 


For more than 10 years SUN & WIND ENERGY has been the industry medium that covers a broad spectrum of renewable energy sources. Its accumulated competence enables SUN & WIND ENERGY to compile both product and market overviews, background reporting, and current news that the decision makers in the industry and commerce need.

Plant Automation

Plant Automation is the largest web-based publication in providing the latest information about Industrial Automation, with an operation more than a decade; Plant Automation has evolved itself to be the best on predicting the latest trends in the Industrial Sector. We advertise and market the most pioneer companies in this sector catering the needs.

PV-Tech is the number one source for in-depth and up-to-the-minute news and articles on the solar PV supply chain internationally. With six full-time editors based in Europe and North America, PV-Tech provides the most authoritative news, the busiest blog and proprietary product reviews to keep solar professionals informed round the clock. Now three-and-a-half years old, the website attracts more than 160,000 visits monthly (Google Analytics, Dec. 2010) and geographically the top 10 largest audiences are drawn from the USA, Germany, China, Taiwan, UK, India, Canada, France, Japan and the Netherlands.

European Energy Innovation

European Energy Innovation is a quarterly publication that blends information from European institutions, national administrations and the energy industry to highlight the energy challenges facing Europe today, and the innovative technologies being employed to meet them.

We cover Energy-related matters :
From oil and gas to PV solar and wind, from energy efficient buildings to new technologies, We have informed, insightful and interesting articles for you to read.

Our contributors include :
Distinguished people from politics, academia and industry :
We feature regular contributions from European Commissioners and senior members of the Commission, members of the European Parliament, European trade associations, national government ministers, together with pertinent comment from our own team of journalists.

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