Forums and Workshops

SWC 2015 features several forums and workshops. Participants will be able to learn in-depth and interact directly with international experts.
The forums and workshops are free for participants who are registered for the SWC 2015. It is not possible to attend the forums and workshops without registering for the main congress from 9th-12nd November 2015.

[Forum 1] ISES Futures: New Directions, New Opportunities Forum

  • Date : Monday, November 9, 2015
  • Time : 09:00 – 10:30 AM

Description of Content of The Forum

The Forum will be an opportunity for the ISES community to discuss concrete steps forward for ISES as a leader in the global energy transformation. After opening comments by ISES leadership about the new ISES identity, there will be a moderated brainstorming session. The opening comments will summarize the new directions that have been developed by the ISES leadership. Since its founding in 1954, the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) has served as a global association representing the scientific and research community working in the field of solar energy R&D, along with policy and investment strategies for advancing the use of solar energy technologies.  Given the commercial success of these technologies, there is now a need now for strong global voices to support the rapid transformation of the global energy system to 100% renewables. ISES is expanding its mission to address the complex technical issues of renewable energy grid integration, such as intermittency, storage, and supply-side and demand-side efficiencies. Meanwhile ISES will maintain a strong focus on using solar technologies to increase energy access in on-grid and off-grid markets at local, regional, national and transnational levels. ISES strives to provide the leading technical global forum for the advancement of solar energy through its scientific publications, conferences, partnerships and other activities. ISES also strongly encourages the grow of its emerging professionals as leaders in the transformation.

Organizer Paulette Middleton, PhD.USA
Panorama Pathways
Moderator Paulette Middleton, PhD.USA
Panorama Pathways
Proposed Forum Speakers Dr. Dave RennéUSA
ISES Leadership including President
Prof. Eicke WeberGermany
Board Members
Ms. McIntoshGermany
HQ Staff

[Forum 2] Photovoltaic Technology and Market: Current Status and Future Prospects

  • Date : Monday, November 9, 2015
  • Time : 13:30 - 15:00 PM
  • 1. Format of the session
    • Series of presentations
  • 2. Description of what will be presented or discussed in the Forum.
    • PV standardization, PV market trend, PV recycling, PV reliability
  • 3. Statement of what audience will learn from the Forum.
    • PV standardization activities (IECRE activities), PV market and technology trends and prospects, recycling of manufacturing waste and spent modules, life cycle assessment, PV system performance and reliability, qualification and lifetime characteristics of PV modules and systems.
Organizer Prof. Donggun LimSouth Korea
Korea National University of Transportation
Moderator Dr. Jin-Seok LeeSouth Korea
Korea Institute of Energy Research
Proposed Forum Speakers Dr. Stefan NowakSwitzerland
Dr. Sewang YoonSouth Korea
Korea Photovoltaic Society
Dr. Garvin HeathUSA
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dr. Ulrike JahnGermany
TUV Rheinland Energie und Umwelt GmbH

[Forum 3] ISCI Session

  • Date : Monday, November 9, 2015
  • Time : 16:15 – 17:30 PM

Description of Content of The Forum

1. Format of the session: introduction of ISCI, presentations of 6 solar cities, Q&A and discussions will be followed.
2. Description: ISCI is an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting new urban policies, planning and practices that reduce city per capita greenhouse emissions. Best ISCI policy and experiences will be introduced in the forum.
3. Statement of what audience will learn from the Forum. Participants will hear the contents of policy, technology and action which are implementing from best solar cities in the World.

Organizer Jong-dall Kim, Ph.D.South Korea
International Solar Cities Initiative, Kyungpook National University
Moderator Organizers
Proposed Forum Speakers Dr. John ByrneUSA
Univerity of Delaware, CEEP
Presentation Topic: Financing Solar Cities
Dr. Sanjay Mangala GopalIndia
Veermate Jijabal Technological Institute
Presentation Topic: Smart City of Thane, India: Energy Audit Initiative of Housing Complexes
Dr. Sun zhen quingChina
Tianjin University of Science & Technology
Presentation Topic: Solar energy development and subsidy policies in China
Dr. Monica OliphantAustralia
Presentation Topic: Some examples of responses by electricity utilities to the rapid growth of renewable energy on their network. Could they lead to a death spiral?"

[Forum 4] Public Acceptance and Achieving 100% RE Forum

  • Date : Tuesday, November 10, 2015
  • Time : 08:30-10:00 AM

Description of Content of The Forum

The Forum will provide an opportunity for Congress participants to learn about and discuss opportunities for growing public acceptance and active support for the rapid transformation to a renewable energy world for all, used wisely and efficiently. A wide variety of experiences and viewpoints will be briefly presented in order to stimulate active discussion among the attendees about public acceptance and its relationship to technological advances and policy-making regarding the energy transformation.

Organizer Paulette Middleton, PhD.USA
Panorama Pathways
Moderator Organizer
Proposed Forum Speakers Ms. Mika OhbayashiJapan
Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
Mr. Rainer Hinrichs-RahlwesBelgium
European Renewable Energies Federation
Dr. Larry KazmerskiUSA
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

[Forum 5] How to get Published in a Scientific Journal: Editorial and Publisher Perspectives

  • Date : Tuesday, November 10, 2015
  • Time : 16:15-17:30 PM
Moderator Ms. Jennifer McIntoshGermany
Proposed Forum Speakers Ms. Deborah LoganUK
Publishing Director, Energy & Earth Sciences, Elsevier
Prof. Nicola RomeroItaly
University of Parma, Italy, Subject Area Editor for Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Journa
Dr. David RennéUSA
ISES President and Associate Editor of Solar Energy Journal

[Forum 6] Solar Thermal Electricity: Technology and Market Development Forum

  • Date : Wednesday, November 11, 2015
  • Time : 08:30-10:00 AM

Description of Content of The Forum

Solar Thermal Power Plants (STPP) have generated in the last 10 years a dynamic market for renewable energy industry and a pro-active networking within R&D community worldwide. At present there are about 4.5 GW of STPP installed in the world, most of them still concentrated in only two countries, Spain and US, though a rapid process of globalization is taking place in the last few years and now ambitious deployments are starting in countries South-Africa, Chile, Saudi Arabia, India, United Arab Emirates or Morocco. However, STTP technologies are extremely urged to speed up their learning curves because of the high competition and drastic reduction of costs of other renewable energy technologies and the need of optimizing dispatch and grid integration for markets with high penetration of solar and wind. Potential for LCOE below 10 c€/kWh by 2020 and less than 8 c€/kWh by 2030, as well as incrementing dispatchability issues, are guiding R&D globally. The Forum will provide an opportunity for Congress participants to learn about R&D initiatives and market development in different countries and regions like Chile, Brazil, South-Europe, Middle-East and China. Specific information will be given about the R&D network STAGE-STE involving research centers and companies worldwide.

Organizer Dr. Manuel RomeroSpain
IMDEA Energy Institute
Moderator Organizers
Proposed Forum Speakers Prof. Wikus van NiekerkSouth Africa
University Stellenbosch
Dr. Andreas HäberleGermany and Chile
ISE Fraunhofer
Dr. Camilo Arancibia Mexico
Dr. Daniela Fontani Italy
Dr. Gilles MaagBrazil
University Sao Paulo
Dr. Huibin Zhu China

[Forum 7] Renewable Energy Resource Assessment and Mapping

  • Date : Wednesday, November 11, 2015
  • Time : 16:15-17:30 PM
  • 1. Format of the session
    • Series of presentations and discussion moderated by the session chairs
  • 2. Description of what will be presented or discussed in the Forum.
    • Renewable energy resource assessment and mapping in country-scale, and comparison among countries. Renewable energy
      resource status in hot renewable energy markets such as China, India and Korea will be presented together with the Global Wind & Solar Atlas service by IRENA.
      (Technical focal points are potential calculation method, resource mapping technology, utilization of resource maps, etc.)
  • 3. Statement of what audience will learn from the Forum.
    • For whom renewable energy policy and business may concern: The forum will deal with country- scale renewable energy
      assessment and mapping which provides core information to the government who needs to setup renewable energy Dissemination target and support policy, and the renewable energy power developers as well.
      For whom advanced technology in renewable energy resource assessment may concern: The forum will cover mostly wind and solar but many of leading-edge technology to draw resource maps and to calculate resource potential will be introduced.
Organizer Hyun-Goo Kim, Ph.D.South Korea
Korea Institute of Energy Research
Proposed Forum Speakers Dr. Nicolas FichauxGermany
IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency)
Presentation Topic: Global Atlas for Renewable Energy
Dr. Chalotte Bay HasagerDenmark
Risoe DTU Senior Scientist and Team-leader for Offshore Wind Power Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy
Presentation Topic: European Wind Resource Mapping by Satellite Images
Dr. David RennéUSA
International Solar Energy Society
Presentation Topic: TBA
Dr. Hyun-Goo KimSouth Korea
KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research) New-Renewable Energy Resource Center
Presentation Topic: Renewable Energy Resource Maps of Korea
Prof. S. IniyanIndia
Ann University
Presentation Topic: Solar and Wind Resources in India