Forums and Workshops

SWC 2015 features several forums and workshops. Participants will be able to learn in-depth and interact directly with international experts.
The forums and workshops are free for participants who are registered for the SWC 2015. It is not possible to attend the forums and workshops without registering for the main congress from 9th-12nd November 2015.

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Workshop on Experiences and Plans to Double Renewable Energy
Utilization by 2030 in the APEC Region
Daegu, Republic of Korea
November 10 – 11, 2015

There is worldwide interest in increasing the share of renewal energy in electricity generation and energy consumption for enhancing sustainability, as evidenced both by the United Nations' Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative and the APEC Leaders' 2014 commitment to double renewable energy in APEC's energy mix by 2030 (over 2010 levels). With over 40% of the world population and more than 60% of global energy consumption, it is especially important for the APEC economies to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy.

The proposed workshop will target best practices and next steps to help APEC economies develop roadmaps for increasing the share of renewable energy in power generation and end-use technologies. By promoting the exchange of experience gained and best practices in implementing policies and plans focused on renewable energy, the workshop has the potential to significantly influence the rate at which renewable energy is adopted across the member economies and thus increase the overall share of renewable energy in electricity generation and energy consumption. Through this workshop, APEC will set an example for international cooperation on renewable energy development, and will seek increased collaboration with other international organizations to advance these efforts.

The workshopwill produce a compilation of barriers, opportunities, best practices, and gaps for increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix. The best practices will include experiences of experts in the field of renewable energy as well as the participants from the APEC economies. Specific best practices for renewable energy will include design strategies, supporting technologies and policy recommendations for deployment of renewable energy that can lead to increased share of renewable energy in the energy mix.

The workshop will address the following topicsover a period of two days.

  • 1. Currents trends and barriers including policy, technical, and social to advancing renewable energy
  • 2. Opportunities and strategies for strengthening renewable energy implementation: emerging technologies, innovative financing, public-private partnership, and business cases
  • 3. Best practices for advancing renewable energy: training for capacity building, reducing soft costs, resources for information sharing, stakeholder engagement
  • 4. Exemplary projects with success stories
  • 5. Experiences and plans of APEC economies

The second day of the workshop will have roundtable discussions and an interactive panel session to develop a summary of best practices, identify gaps, prepare guidelines to accelerate growth of renewable energy in the APEC region, and provide recommendations for future activities and workshops to sustain the efforts towards meeting the goals of doubling renewable energy in the energy mix.

Expected Participants:

Invited participants from both the public and private sectors will include representatives from APEC economies who have experience in renewable energy in their economies. Senior government officials including energy ministries, utility engineers, private industry, and university professors engaged in renewable energy activities at various levels will be targeted for participation in the workshop.